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import { jsonError } from "../../common.js";
import sendEmail from "../../email.js";
import { sendPushNotification } from "../../gcloud.js";
export async function onRequestDelete(context: RequestContext) {
const result = await context.env.D1.prepare(
"SELECT json_extract(user, '*.id') AS uid FROM inactivity_notices WHERE id = ?;",
if (!result) return jsonError("No inactivity notice with that ID", 404);
if (
result.uid !== &&
!( & (1 << 0))
return jsonError(
"You do not have permission to delete this inactivity notice",
await context.env.D1.prepare("DELETE FROM inactivity_notices WHERE id = ?;")
return new Response(null, {
status: 204,
export async function onRequestGet(context: RequestContext) {
const { current_user: currentUser } =;
if (
![1 << 0, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, 1 << 9, 1 << 10].find(
(p) => currentUser.permissions & p,
return jsonError("Forbidden", 403);
const result: Record<
string | number | { [k: string]: string }
> | null = await context.env.D1.prepare(
"SELECT * FROM inactivity_notices WHERE id = ?;",
if (!result) return jsonError("Inactivity notice does not exist", 404);
result.user = JSON.parse(result.user as string);
return result;
export async function onRequestPost(context: RequestContext) {
const { accepted }: { accepted?: boolean } =;
if (typeof accepted !== "boolean")
return jsonError("'accepted' must be a boolean", 400);
const adminDepartments: { [k: string]: number } = {
DM: 1 << 11,
ET: 1 << 4,
FM: 1 << 7,
WM: 1 << 6,
const userAdminDepartments = Object.keys(adminDepartments).filter(
(dept) => & adminDepartments[dept],
if (!userAdminDepartments.length)
return jsonError("You are not a manager of any departments", 403);
const requestedNotice: { [k: string]: any } | null =
await context.env.D1.prepare(
"SELECT decisions, departments, user FROM inactivity_notices WHERE id = ?;",
if (!requestedNotice)
return jsonError("Inactivity notices does not exist", 404);
const decisions: { [dept: string]: boolean } = JSON.parse(
for (const department of userAdminDepartments)
decisions[department] = accepted;
const applicableDepartments = JSON.parse(requestedNotice.departments).length;
await context.env.D1.prepare(
"UPDATE inactivity_notices SET decisions = ?, user = json_remove(user, '$.email') WHERE id = ?;",
if (Object.values(decisions).length === applicableDepartments) {
const approved =
Object.values(decisions).filter((d) => d).length ===
const denied =
Object.values(decisions).filter((d) => !d).length !==
const fcmTokenResult: FCMTokenResult | null = await context.env.D1.prepare(
"SELECT token FROM push_notifications WHERE event_id = ? AND event_type = 'inactivity';",
if (fcmTokenResult) {
let status = "Approved";
if (denied) status = "Denied";
else if (!approved) status = "Partially Approved";
await sendPushNotification(
`Inactivity Request ${status}`,
? "Your inactivity request was approved."
: `Your inactivity request was ${denied ? "denied" : "partially approved"}, please reach out to management if you require more details.`,
await context.env.D1.prepare(
"DELETE FROM push_notifications WHERE event_id = ? AND event_type = 'inactivity';",
} else {
await sendEmail(,
`Inactivity Request ${approved ? "Approved" : "Denied"}`,
`inactivity_${approved ? "approved" : "denied"}`,
{ username: requestedNotice.user.username },
return new Response(null, {
status: 204,