import { Button, Container, Heading, HStack, Radio, RadioGroup, Text, Textarea, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { useState } from "react"; export default function () { const [showCookieBox, setShowCookieBox] = useState(false); return ( <Container maxW=""> <Heading pt="36px">Let's get started</Heading> <Text pt="128px"> Are you able to log in to the account you are transferring from? </Text> <RadioGroup onChange={(val) => setShowCookieBox(JSON.parse(val))}> <HStack> <Radio value="false">No</Radio> <Radio value="true">Yes</Radio> </HStack> </RadioGroup> <Textarea id="cookie-box" placeholder="Paste your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie here" pt="16px" style={{ display: showCookieBox ? "initial" : "unset" }} /> <Button pt="32px">Continue</Button> </Container> ); }