import { getBanList, setBanList } from "../../../roblox-open-cloud.js"; import { jsonError } from "../../../common.js"; import sendEmail from "../../../email.js"; import { sendPushNotification } from "../../../gcloud.js"; export async function onRequestPost(context: RequestContext) { const reportId = as string; const report: { [k: string]: any; } | null = await context.env.D1.prepare("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE id = ?") .bind(reportId) .first(); if (!report) return jsonError("Report does not exist", 404); const actionMap =; const newActions: { [k: string]: { BanType: number } } = {}; const logMap: { [k: string]: number } = {}; const user = JSON.parse(report.user); for (const [user, action] of Object.entries(actionMap)) { if ( isNaN(parseInt(user)) || typeof action !== "number" || action < 0 || action > 2 ) return jsonError("Invalid action map", 400); if (action === 0) continue; newActions[user] = { BanType: action }; logMap[user] = action; } if (Object.values(logMap).length) { const batchedQueries = []; const statement = context.env.D1.prepare( "INSERT INTO game_mod_logs (action, evidence, executed_at, executor, id, target) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", ); const actionMap: { [k: number]: string } = { 1: "blacklist", 2: "ban", }; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(logMap)) { if (v === 0) continue; batchedQueries.push( statement.bind( actionMap[v], `${}`,,, crypto.randomUUID(), parseInt(k), ), ); } await context.env.D1.batch(batchedQueries); const banList = (await getBanList(context)) as { [k: string]: { BanType: number }; }; await setBanList(context, Object.assign(banList, newActions)); } const pushNotificationData: Record<string, string> | null = await context.env.D1.prepare( "SELECT token FROM push_notifications WHERE event_id = ? AND event_type = 'report';", ) .bind(reportId) .first(); if (user?.email) await sendEmail( user?.email, context.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY, "Report Processed", "report_processed", { username: report.user?.username as string, }, ); else if (pushNotificationData) await sendPushNotification( context.env, "Report Processed", `Your report for ${JSON.parse(report.target_usernames).toString()} has been reviewed.`, pushNotificationData.token, ); delete (report.user as { email?: string; id: string; username: string }) ?.email; await context.env.D1.prepare("UPDATE reports SET open = 0 WHERE id = ?;") .bind(reportId) .run(); await context.env.D1.prepare( "DELETE FROM push_notifications WHERE event_id = ? AND event_type = 'report';", ) .bind(reportId) .run(); return new Response(null, { status: 204, }); }