import { jsonError, jsonResponse } from "../../../common.js"; export async function onRequestDelete(context: RequestContext) { let body: { id?: string } = {}; try { body = await context.request.json(); } catch { return jsonError("Invalid body", 400); } const { id } = body; if ( typeof id !== "string" || id.match(/\D/) || id.length > 19 || id.length < 17 ) return jsonError("Invalid ID", 400); await context.env.D1.prepare("DELETE FROM et_members WHERE id = ?;") .bind(id) .run(); return new Response(null, { status: 204, }); } export async function onRequestPatch(context: RequestContext) { let body: { id?: string; name?: string; roblox_username?: string } = {}; try { body = await context.request.json(); } catch { return jsonError("Invalid body", 400); } if (typeof !== "string" && typeof body.roblox_username !== "string") return jsonError("At least one property must be provided", 400); const updates = []; if ( updates.push({ query: "name = ?", value: }); if (typeof body.roblox_username === "string" && body.roblox_username) { const robloxResolveResp = await fetch( "", { body: JSON.stringify({ excludeBannedUsers: true, usernames: [body.roblox_username], }), headers: { "content-type": "application/json", }, method: "POST", }, ); const { data } = (await robloxResolveResp.json()) as { data: { [k: string]: any }[]; }; if (!data.length) return jsonError("No Roblox user exists with that name", 400); updates.push({ query: "roblox_id = ?", value: data[0].id }); } await context.env.D1.prepare( `UPDATE et_members SET ${ => u.query).join(", ")} WHERE id = ?;`, ) .bind( => u.value), .run(); return jsonResponse( JSON.stringify({ name:, roblox_id: updates.find((u) => typeof u.value === "number")?.value, }), ); } export async function onRequestPost(context: RequestContext) { const { id, name, roblox_username } =; if ( typeof id !== "string" || id.match(/\D/) || id.length > 19 || id.length < 17 ) return jsonError("Invalid user ID", 400); if (typeof name !== "string" || !name.length || name.length > 32) return jsonError("Invalid name", 400); if ( await context.env.D1.prepare("SELECT * FROM et_members WHERE id = ?;") .bind(id) .first() ) return jsonError("User is already a member", 400); if (!["string", "undefined"].includes(typeof roblox_username)) return jsonError("Roblox username must be a string", 400); let roblox_id: number | undefined = undefined; if (roblox_username) { if ( roblox_username.length < 3 || roblox_username.length > 20 || roblox_username.match(/\W/) || roblox_username.match(/_/g)?.length > 1 ) return jsonError("Username is invalid", 400); const usernameResolveResp = await fetch( "", { body: JSON.stringify({ excludeBannedUsers: true, usernames: [roblox_username], }), headers: { "content-type": "application/json", }, method: "POST", }, ); if (!usernameResolveResp.ok) { console.log(await usernameResolveResp.text()); return jsonError("An error occurred when looking up that username", 500); } const { data }: { data: { id: number }[] } = await usernameResolveResp.json(); if (!data.length) return jsonError( "No user was found with that name, either they don't exist or they are banned", 400, ); roblox_id = data[0].id; } const createdAt =; const addingUser =; await context.env.D1.prepare( "INSERT INTO et_members (created_at, created_by, id, name, roblox_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", ) .bind(createdAt, addingUser, id, name, roblox_id || null) .run(); return new Response(null, { status: 204, }); }